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Top Militaries Today and the Future


The top 4 militaries will stay the same for Decades will change positions in ranking (atleast the next 30 years) The top four will trade positions.

United States-

Hear's a paragraph, I got from a defense forum which I'm a member.

"Not just aircraft. Ships too.

The USN has been getting rid of 'old' ships and submarines like crazy over the past decade or two. Because of their 'new construction' fixation they run down their legacy fleet (OHPs, Spruance, etc) by working them hard and deferring planned maintenance. The gap in their force structure resulting from these antics justifies more new construction, more DDGs/SSNs. Often these retirements happened when there was a decade or more remaining on the hull, if it was looked after.

Problem is, you cause a death spiral since you can't afford to replace legacy kit 1-for-1 given the extreme cost of new hardware and the fact the shipbuilding budget can't fit everything in the numbers required (new CVNs, new DDGs, new SSNs, new SSBNs).

Same for the USAF, really. No way can they replace all of what they dreamt about with the F-35A. Think about it, the A-10 with its low running costs, the F-16 with its fairly low running costs - both replaced en masse with the F-35A with its stratospheric running costs. The USAF O&M budget won't accommodate it all, even if they could somehow afford to buy the new jets in the numbers they projected.

The wet dream of an 'all stealth force' is like a mirage that the USAF has been chasing ever deeper into the desert. They never stopped to ask 'does this make sense anymore?'

It sure as hell doesn't make sense for Toyota-plinking in the desert in a COIN setting. MQ-1/9 are more than adequate for that mission."


The Chinese economy is not going to collapse. Both United States and China's Total Debt is well above 300% of GDP ( U.S. Most Debt is Public and Personal, the rest is Corporate Debt) (China Most Debt is Coporate, the rest is moderate Public and Personal Debt)

It somes up the U.S. problems of keeps up China. China is biggest shipbuilding nation in the world. South Korea and Japan business strategies focused on more technological ships. They left the rest to China, but the Chinese Shipyards are winning orders from all segments of shipbuilding industry.



Russia inherited 70% of the Soviet Union's military industry. The Russia defense indutry is massive and spread through the country. (PAK-FA will be manfactured in the Russian Far East.) Russia has some big defense weapons manufacturing facilites the Aviastar-Sp factory is on the scale of the Boeing Everett plant. The military weapons pocurement program will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. State owned companies, Rosneft an Gazprom declosed reserves today are worth well in excess $20 Trillion dollars. Navalny wants cut the Russian Military by half. The Russian Armed Forces, Defence ministry, state and private companies combined empoly millions of Russian citizens. Putin is cut back defense spending some, and increasing funding to social programs.




India will be the top the world in economic growth for the foreseeable future. Defense spending is increasing and defense industry is being built. India should easily have the third most powerful navy in the world by 2030.
We still remain the number one military in the world and with 11 aircraft carrier groups we have the ability to strike any place in the world. The world looks to us for leadership. We are the number one economy in the world in terms of GDP and we are the most technologically advanced country in the world.
We still remain the number one military in the world and with 11 aircraft carrier groups we have the ability to strike any place in the world. The world looks to us for leadership. We are the number one economy in the world in terms of GDP and we are the most technologically advanced country in the world.

We are number one military for now. The Chinese military build is massive, but the vast majority of the Chinese government budget goes to infrastructure projects. After all you can't drink water from the water faucet in China. We have 11 carriers but don't have enough Carrier wings to operate all of them. We werely operate more than 6 careers at a time. A few months ago, we had 7 operational at once. (Combat Radius of carrier aircraft) Go look ombat radius of U.S. carrier borne aircraft; the Russians and Chinese multi weapons that can target carriers within combat radius of their aircraft. They have the second and third biggest air forces in the world.The Russians will have defense oriented force; they will have power projection. But the Russian Ground Force and Air Force will be match for any nation. The Chinese ship building capacity is scary and Ground Forces will be top notch. China could very easily have 5 or 6 carrier groups by 2025. The Russians will be safe from the Chinese. The Chinese need Russian natural resources. China could eventually get most of food from Siberia anf Russian Far Eastin the co. in coming decades.

Let’s draw a comparison here:
US is the only country in the world that can takeoff air crafts using Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System to lift its aircrafts. There Chinese and Russians are still jumping off a ski slope. American jets are still way more advanced than most aircrafts in the world, there may be a few exceptions made by European manufacturers such as the Eurofighter typhoon, dassault rafale and Gripen, but we still rule and dominate the sky.

Jack Davenport

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.


Hiliary 2020
Is it disgusting and sickening when socialist France holds a massive military parade on Bastille Day?

In a way yes.
A parade to honor weaponry who's only goal is to kill human beings to me is disgusting.
Lets bring clean drinking water to the entire world and have a parade for that instead.
But that's just me I'm a little fucked up.

But the US doing it now?
I have several problems with that.

1- With all the death and destruction and misery the US has directly caused in the last 15+ years all in the name of 9/11 what kind of complete ignorance does it take to brag to the world that you have weapons?

2- It seems like a veiled threat to every living being on the planet.

2A- Lets not have a parade and use that money to cure or comfort some sick children.

3- All the money spent (and that money does go into someones pocket, but not ours) on all this military and security again all in the name of 9/11.
This money first of all is all borrowed from a PRIVATE BANK. 20 trillion in debt we are to them. 9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to them.
Because of that our economy sucks and is never getting better.

The money they borrow and spend on military and bullshit security over an enemy they created could instead pay for heathcare for EVERYONE.
Food and water and energy for EVERYONE.
Education as far as your brain can take you for everyone.
Even a home for EVERYONE.
We could live in such a great world with that money.
Or we could just not borrow it in the first place and watch our economy blast off.

Instead 1% of 1% of 1% are getting filthy rich off of it while the rest of us peasants have to make due with less.

To me that's nothing to have a parade about.
But it is something to have a violent revolution about.
Again I'm a little fucked up I know.
But I like you BC so sorry to Rain on your Parade (Pun definitely intended).

See Trump ran on the "get us out of all these foreign affairs" idea.
He said it. That was part of the MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN plan I thought.
Instead ever since that day Flyn interupted the press briefing to put Iran on Double Secret Probation he has become a Neocon's Neocon.
For that kind of deception he deserves to be raped by a big bald black ******.
Sorry I meant *****, when you spell it with the A at the end its not racist.

Wow you can't write ****** or ***** here.
I understand not being able to write ****** I guess even though it can be used in a context that is not offensive but not being able to write ***** like how the rappers say it? C'mon.


Hiliary 2020
I was using it for educational purposes for crying out loud.

Ok. Trump should be made to have non consentual sex with a large African American gentleman with no hair.

There that's not offensive in the least bit.


It's not 2003 anymore China and Russia are strong powers now. China has seen the greatest financial growth of major economy without war driving growth in history, so who knows how strong China will become? China has plenty of land for it's population. Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and other large provinces have very small populations. The Belt Road projects is designed to develop those regions and create jobs.