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National Popular Vote Bill to end Electoral College Garbage

It seems the Natl Popular Vote Bill could be used to get rid of the stupid electoral college garbage we have
We would not have to pass a constitutional amendament to repeal it and require all electors to vote the way the citizens have voted. PLEASE MOVE TO POLITICS SECTION

34 Legislative Chambers in 23 States Have Now Passed National Popular Vote Bill

The National Popular Vote bill will take effect when enacted into law by states possessing 270 electoral votes (a majority of the 538 electoral votes).

It has been enacted into law in 11 states possessing 165 electoral votes.

It has passed at least one legislative chamber in 12 states possessing an additional 96 electoral votes.

The bill has now passed a total of 34 state legislative chambers in 23 states.
•Arizona House (in 2016)
•Arkansas House (in 2007 and 2009)
•California Senate (in both 2006, 2007, and 2011) - Bill is now law in California
•California Assembly (in 2006, 2008, and 2011) - Bill is now law in California
•Colorado House (in 2009)
•Colorado Senate (in both 2006 and 2007)
•Connecticut House (in 2009)
•Delaware House (in 2009 and 2011)
•District of Columbia Council (in 2010) - Bill is now law in District of Columbia
•Hawaii House (in 2007 and 2008) - Bill is now law in Hawaii
•Hawaii Senate (in 2007 and 2008) - Bill is now law in Hawaii
•Illinois House (in 2007 and 2008) - Bill is now law in Illinois
•Illinois Senate (in 2007) - Bill is now law in Illinois
•Maine Senate (in 2008)
•Maryland House (in 2007) - Bill is now law in Maryland
•Maryland Senate (in 2007) - Bill is now law in Maryland
•Massachusetts House (in 2008 and 2010) - Bill is now law in Massachusetts
•Massachusetts Senate (in 2008 and 2010) - Bill is now law in Massachusetts
•Michigan House (in 2008)
•Nevada Assembly (in 2009)
•New Jersey Assembly (in 2007) - Bill is now law in New Jersey
•New Jersey Senate (in 2008) - Bill is now law in New Jersey
•New Mexico House (in 2009)
•New York Assembly (in 2013 and 2014 and 2016) - Bill is now law in New York
•New York Senate (in 2010, 2011, and 2014 and 2016) - Bill is now law in New York
•North Carolina Senate (in 2007)
•Oklahoma Senate (in 2014)
•Oregon House (in 2009 and 2013)
•Rhode Island House (in 2008 and 2013) - Bill is now law in Rhode Island
•Rhode Island Senate (in 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2013) - Bill is now law in Rhode Island
•Vermont House (in 2008 and 2011) - Bill is now law in Vermont
•Vermont Senate (in 2008, 2009, and 2011) - Bill is now law in Vermont
•Washington House (in 2009) - Bill is now law in Washington state
•Washington Senate (in 2008 and 2009) - Bill is now law in Washington state

Even Donald trump has said on twitter it is a bad system when they looked years back:flaccid:
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Works for panties
The whole reason why there is an Electoral College is so all the states have a say in who's elected, not just the heavily-populated ones in the NE, Texas, Florida, and California. And we are a republic and not a democracy for the same reason, so that those more populated states don't have all the representation. We fought a war with England over laws being applied to us without our having been represented. And you know those people protesting the outcome and shouting "This is what democracy looks like" ? They are absolutely right, that is what democracy looks like. Mob rule.

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
The whole reason why there is an Electoral College is so all the states have a say in who's elected, not just the heavily-populated ones in the NE, Texas, Florida, and California. And we are a republic and not a democracy for the same reason, so that those more populated states don't have all the representation. We fought a war with England over laws being applied to us without our having been represented. And you know those people protesting the outcome and shouting "This is what democracy looks like" ? They are absolutely right, that is what democracy looks like. Mob rule.

Exactly. Our founding fathers (peace be upon them) were concerned about the tyranny of the majority, so safeguards were put in place. What is the old adage? Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom/liberty/America is a well-armed sheep contesting that vote.

Will E Worm

The hate against the electoral college was started right after Trump was elected.
Trump needs to go after the Communists in America.

The communists in America want everything to go their way.

Trump will never sign this bill into law.

The votes are still being counted. Looks like Trump won the popular vote anyway.


Donald Trump Will Win The Popular Vote

The hate against the electoral college was started right after Trump was elected.
Trump needs to go after the Communists in America.

The communists in America want everything to go their way.

Trump will never sign this bill into law.

The votes are still being counted. Looks like Trump won the popular vote anyway.


Donald Trump Will Win The Popular Vote


ACTUALLY This only needs The passage of enough state Legislatures to equal 270 electoral votes.

Electoral electors are chosen by the states not the fed govt so it does not need approval of a president or congress
if they get one more state and the other half of some 11 states they will get to 270 and a majority to force the issue

You can go the amendament process which is harder

I have known of the electoral collage and how some presidents were elected not getting more popular votes
I figure it evens out in the end buit is painful in the short run to some

NIXON actually won in 1960 when the cemetery wards came in heavy for the democrats. He could be a gracious loser


I'm having an orgasm!
The hate against the electoral college was started right after Trump was elected.
Trump needs to go after the Communists in America.

The communists in America want everything to go their way.

Trump will never sign this bill into law.

The votes are still being counted. Looks like Trump won the popular vote anyway.


Donald Trump Will Win The Popular Vote


Actually the hate towards the electoral college started right after George W. Bush was elected president in 2000. That's one of the things that caused me to stop taking Democrats seriously. The other was their belief that Bush caused the 2001 recession. Those were just some of the things that caused me to go from being a Democrat to a Republican.
The whole reason why there is an Electoral College is so all the states have a say in who's elected, not just the heavily-populated ones in the NE, Texas, Florida, and California. And we are a republic and not a democracy for the same reason, so that those more populated states don't have all the representation. We fought a war with England over laws being applied to us without our having been represented. And you know those people protesting the outcome and shouting "This is what democracy looks like" ? They are absolutely right, that is what democracy looks like. Mob rule.

actually willy- this was started after 2000 election

ban one- in actuality electoral college makes the population of a big state dis-advantaged over small states

Small states with low population get 3 votes minimum even if population does not warrant it
under current electoral method calif gets 59 electoral votes (based on our population we should get over 150 electoral votes)

you guys should google it


I'm having an orgasm!